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Snore App Instructions

Step-by-step instructions for using the Snore App
with or without an Apple Watch.

Koala Nap - Snore App, allow notifications

Open the App and Allow Notifications 

Koala Nap - Snore App, allow critical notifications

Allow critical alerts when asked

Koala Nap - Snore App, enable microphone

Enable the microphone

Koala Nap - Snore App, allow all notifications

If the original setting changes were skipped, one can adjust them in the iphone settings: 
>Settings -> Koala -> Notifications menu
1. Allow Critical Alerts
2. Allow Notifications
3. Enable Sounds 
4. Enable Badges

Koala Nap - Snore App, mirror notifications

In the Watch app on the device make sure to mirror the alerts, under Notifications -> Koala.

Koala Nap - Snore App, enable haptic alerts

In the apple watch app on the iPhone, under Sounds & Haptics, enable Haptic Alerts.

Koala Nap - Snore App, do not disturb

​​​We recommend setting the apple watch setting to Do Not Disturb and theater mode by swiping the apple watch from bottom up and choosing those settings. This will assure that other notifications will not vibrate and the screen won't turn on when moving the apple watch at night. 

  • Test the vibrations from Koala Naps settings menu located on the top right. After tapping the  Send Notification button, lock the iPhone. Make sure the Koala Nap on the apple watch is closed, and 5 seconds later you should receive a vibrating notification on the apple watch.

  • Tip: If the vibration isn’t strong enough, you can rotate the apple watch around your wrist which is more sensitive than the top of your wrist. 

Koala Nap - Snore App, start

Before going to sleep tap the start button on the iPhone. 
Lock the iPhone and close Koala Nap on the apple watch.

Koala Nap - Snore App, stop

In the morning tap the stop button on the iPhone.

Koala Nap - Snore App, snore session summary
  • ​​​​​If an apple watch was being used, tap on the apple watch icon in the summary in order to remember that the session was used with a apple watch. In the future you can look back to sessions where the apple watch was used and compare them to sessions where the apple watch wasn't used.

  • A summary should pop up showing the amount of snoring throughout the night, and on the iPhone or apple watch snore detection notifications should appear.

For troubleshooting click here.

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